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My name is María de los Ángeles González Rangel, I was born in La Piedad, Michoacán, México on
August 2, 1953.
I started my career in the arts with classical ballet and in 1991 I got my degree in reproduction of French
and German porcelain dolls from the XVII and XIX centuries, and concluded with the Masters Degree
from the Doll Artisan Guild School of Dollmaking in Rochester, NY.
As for my formation in the field of the arts, I have been certified in curatorship and museography, as
well as participated in workshops of: drawing, painting, graphics, handling of metals and ready-made
art, among which are the design of stage illumination from the San Diego City College, San Diego, CA and
another in cultural promotion and management offered by the Consejo Nacional de la Cultura y las
Artes, México (CONACULTA).



I have participated in artistic residencies for the realization of projects in:

  • Oaxaca México.

  • Lucca Italy.

  • Lyon France. 

  • Belforte del Chienti Italy.



Paisanos, Falguera Palace, Sant Feliu de Lobrerat, Barcelona, Spain (2020)
Connections, International Museum of Contemporary Art, Belforte del Chienti, Italy (2019)
Uptown meets downtown, Sparks Gallery, San Diego, California (2019)
Paisanos, Mexican Consulate, Barcelona, Spain (2018)
Gulf Labor Artists, Roskilde Festival, Denmark (2018)
To the Interior (Al Interior), CEART, Ensenada, BC México (2017)
Transnational Struggles: Intersectionality Across Borders. Lluxe Galleries, San Diego City College, San Diego, California(2017)
Through the Eyes of an Artist. The Studio Door, San Diego, California (2016)

A new wave of Artistic Activism? 56th. Venice Biennial, Gulf Labor Coalition. G.U.L.F. (Gulf Ultra Luxury

Faction) Venice, Italy (2015)
Gulf- Labor-Art, conflictive loyalties activism. Arab-American National Museum, Dearborn, Michigan
Bee Centric Art Show. Albion College, Albion Michigan (2015)
Structures (Estructuras), Centro Cultural Tijuana (CECUT), Tijuana, BC, México (2014)
Work-Migrant-Gulf, Uri-Eichen Gallery, Chicago, Illinois (2014)
Oneiric Migration (Migración Onírica), Tijuana Cultural Center (CECUT) , Tijuana BC, México (2014)
Transparent (Transparente), La Covacha Gallery, Ensenada, BC, México (2013)
White and Empty, Art Site Chiayi, Taiwan. (2013)
Public Domain, Banners in Pasaje Rodriguez, Tijuana BC México (2011)
Celebrating Women. The Front, San Ysidro, California (2011)
By the Sea. Gallery 104, San Clemente, California (2010)
Profile and Work, Mujer Actual Magazine, Vía Corporativo, Tijuana BC México (2010)
XVI Plastic Biannual of Baja California, Baja California Cultural Institute, Tijuana, BC México, (2008)
Latin Painters Outline, Historical Center Galleries Association, Florence, Italy (2007)
Visual Arts Sample. Mecenas Foundation, Palace of the Fine Arts, Buenos Aires, Argentina (2006)
Art and Color, Conex Servei Hall, Barcelona, Spain (2006)
XI Guadalupana Biannual, National Metropolitan University, Atzcapotzlco. Iberoamerican University,
Puebla, Mexico (2005)

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